Treatments for erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction has many potential causes and therefore there is no single treatment.The problem needs to be thought of “holistically” and treated with one or more therapies from a growing list.

A commonly used option are the PDE5 inhibitors drugs — such as Viagra®, Cialis®, andLevitra®. These drugs can be helpful although, as they have to be taken about an hourbefore, they take the spontaneity out of sex and can be accompanied by unpleasant sideeffects. 

For extreme cases of erectile dysfunction surgery can be a solution. An inflatable device canbe implanted in the penis to replace the spongy tissue or an operation performed thatreduces blood flow from the penis.

A new therapeutic option is SONICWAVE, which stimulates the regrowth of tissue in the penis. It is a physical therapy that is non-drug, non-surgical that is physical. It is more akin to what happens when a tissue like a muscle is damaged and then heals through the regeneration of cells.

The treatment for erectile dysfunction often should include lifestyle changes includingexercise, diet modification and other therapies including physical stimulation, and exercisesof the pelvic floor muscles.

Erectile dysfunction is often caused by multiple factors including lack of exercise, poor diet and lifestyle factors such as psychological distance and stress. Often it coincides with other health issues such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Patients when seeking solutions should therefore consult with a well-trained physician, who has experience with the condition.

What is Dual-action SONICWAVE Therapy?

There are two principal forms of ESWT therapy: Radial and Focused.

Each operates slightly differently. Radial waves act more superficially in the tissue causing angiogenesis in the erectile tissue in the shaft of the penis. Focused waves penetrate more deeply and can penetrate the deeper-lying erectile tissues, the crura, at the base of the penis.

A combination of the two forms of shockwave have been shown to be the most effective for treating erectile dysfunction. More about the differences and benefits of focused versus radial pressure waves.

How Dual-action SONICWAVE works

Dual-action SONICWAVE is employed by FullMast Men’s Health Clinics in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada.